New government guidelines – see this
page for full details – on re-opening rights of way include
recommendations to reinstate access to ‘moorland and other
extensively grazed open country’ in uninfected areas.
If the advice were to be followed by local authorities, it would
throw open access to extensive parts of areas like the Peak and
Dales, which are unaffected by the virus. The full relevant paragraph
‘3. Access to moorland and other extensively grazed open country
is generally acceptable outside Infected Areas because of the low
density of stocking. The presence of dogs may attract livestock, and
path users must therefore not take dogs onto such land.’
It’s all part of a new set of guidelines based on a
‘traffic-light’ system aimed at simplifying risk-assessment for local
Don’t hold your breath though, the process also calls for
consulatation with local landowners and farmers and, on past form,
these will be solidly against any opening up of restrictions, even in
uninfected areas.