If you’re one of the many lucky ones with a team heading off to the Sleepless in the Saddle at Trentham Gardens this weekend then be sure to be looking your best for the BIKEmagic cameras.
Yes, as I type, Robin and Tom are doing finger press-ups to get themselves in shape to take thousands of photos of Sleepless competitors. The boys will probably take photos from several different vantage points on the course, so look out for them and don’t forget to smile/grimace/look serious/speed up/pull air/fall off or whatever it is you’d like captured on film.
They’ll try and get photos of everyone, but it’s not an exact science and there’s a couple of things you can do to make it more likely your mug ends up on the web:
Keep your number clean and visible.
Keep your eye out for the photographers and shout BIKEmagic or some other cheery greeting to draw their attention and keep their spirits up.
Hope for good weather.
Bear in mind that it’s a lonely (and quite tedious) job so if there are any nice young ladies with time on their hands then I’m sure the boys would welcome some company to keep them awake and poised for action.