You can’t ignore a “press release” that starts “Hi this is Biker Bill;” so here are the details of July’s festival of urban courier lunacy.
“The Associated Cycle Messengers of Edmonton (ACME) are proud to announce that our city will be host to Bicycle Messengers from all around the World. Come July we will host a Festival unlike any other this City or Event has experienced, where art shows and displays, featuring works and readings from messengers, show bikes and courier bands from all over the world will set the stage in a theater of competitions where these brave and very fast urban warriors will come together to battle it out amongst themselves to see who is the Finest, Fastest, and Smartest Messenger on the Continent.”
“Consider this your first invitation to this event and we would like to welcome you into our world, where we would like to show you that we are extraordinary members of society, We have worked hard together worldwide united to battle the interpretation that we are reckless or have been tagged as those guys that cut every one off, when in fact because of our often colorful nature we take the blame for a small number of cyclists that are often misidentified as bike messengers.”
If you fancy delivering yourself over there, then more details are available at the NACC website and if you do end up going let us know.
After all, courier art could be perfect to match that gaily painted moose you bought from Toronto.