Got a trail dog? Then you’ll love this.
August 26 is US National Dog Day and in celebration of our four-legged friends here’s Jessee Maule of Projekt Roam exercising her dogs in the best way there is, by keeping up with them on a mountain bike.

Jessee has this to say about why she and husband C0lt made this four-minute edit, filmed in the woods of Oregon:
“Haven’t you ever wondered what your dog was dreaming about as you observe their paws twitching while they sleep? Well, I’m not entirely sure what they dream about, but I do know that every time I grab my bike and whistle for the dogs, they give me a look that says it all. “It’s about damn time I found the means to keep up with them”.
“Call me biased like any parent, but I for one, feel as if I am the luckiest person in the world to be able to share my heart and home with two of the best dogs on Earth.
“So remember to take a moment every once in a while to let your canine companion know how elated you are to have them in your life.”
Got a trail dog too? Tell us about him or in the comments.