
Outdoor gear company Alpkit is looking for riders to race in its team at the 2010 Original Source Mountain Mayhem on 18-20 June at Eastnor Castle in Ledbury, Herefordshire.
Alpkit have secured a spot in the event but want to do things a little differently. Instead of getting together a bunch of riders to try and get a podium finish, they’re looking for Alpkit enthusiasts proud to pull on their jersey and have a good time.
The company will bring along tents, sleeping bags and Airic mats (whatever those are?) to make sure you have the best nights sleep – if that is possible at Mayhem! They’ll even provide all the food and drink you’ll need off your bike and will pitch gazebo’s and a tepee to keep off the heat of the sun and provide covered areas to work on your stead, eat, drink and generally be merry.
Genesis Bikes have agreed to supply a range of demo bikes, as well as some other kit to make the experience even more pleasurable.
If you’re interested, and we can’t imagine why you wouldn’t be, you just need to tick the following requirements:
- You need to be over 18 and reasonably fit.
- You’ll have to get yourself to and from Eastnor Castle in the Malverns.
- We’ll be taking loads of photos and shooting plenty of video so if you are scared of cameras this isn’t for you.
- We’d like a race report or journal from everyone on our site.
So if you want to be part of one of the largest mountain bike events in the UK with over 2500 riders, take your time, check out some photos from last year and read up a little more about the event. We’re looking for male and female riders of all abilities.
Apply now at www.alpkit.com/unplugged/event/mountain-mayhem-10/