The CTC and IMBA will get together to host the National Mountain Bike Conference at the Cycle Show, taking place at Earls Court, London from 9-12 October 2008.
With the Government wanting to get 2 million more people active by 2012, CTC and IMBA-UK feel that MTBing can help to meet the target, and the conference is an opportunity for a discussion to happen on how these numbers can be delivered.
The conference is “our launch pad – a chance for the sector to come together and set the agenda for the years to come.” Key speakers from across the world will gather at Earls Court, London on Thursday 9 October (during the trade day), including Mike Van Abel, Executive Director of IMBA and Kevin Mayne, Director of CTC.
The demand for off-road cycling has grown dramatically in recent years and this conference will provide a great opportunity to hear about the lessons learnt from those running successful facilities across the globe. The focus will also be on training, education, facility development and funding.
Karl Bartlett, Chairman IMBA-UK, says: “IMBA UK is pleased to be sharing this joint conference with CTC. Taking place at Cycle 2008, IMBA’s message of advocacy for mountain bikers will reach more riders in the UK than ever before. This is a great opportunity for mountain bikers to come together, share their enthusiasm and experience, and continue improving mountain biking opportunities and participation for the future”.
For booking information see www.ctc.org.uk/mtb