Bike creak. Sometimes you put up with it, sometimes
it drives you to throw them off a large cliff. Sometimes people take ’em back to
the shop and try and claim a new one on the warranty clause. Whatever.
We got this note in from BIKEmagic member Craig Walker, and we thought it was too
good to miss out on.
“I was plagued with creaky bottom bracket
syndrome and a cheap fix is to close up and holes in the BB area with blu-tak then
fill, puring down the seat tube (doesn’t work on y-frames, sorry) about 500ml of
linseed oil (I used raw as opposed to boiled), available from DIY places (about £2.00),
leave to soak for 1 hour, drain and hey presto, no more creaking. If it does then
it’s probably the crank tapers.”