We’re sorry to have disappointed Tour De France viewers by placing some of the shows late night. In the main, this is because of the addition of a large amount of Test and One Day Cricket to the schedule. Given that we are a general channel, we have to make sure the addition of many more hours devoted to sport does not impact too much on the overall balance of programming genres during peak hours and that we do not alienate the non-sports loving audience.
Whilst the Tour De France has a loyal following of almost one million viewers, many of our peak programmes achieve double that figure. We would therefore be disappointing many more viewers if we
dropped the other programmes to accommodate the Tour.
This is also the reason why we have moved the weekday shows to 5.30pm. We have built up a large audience of young people for our 6-7pm slots and they
too would be very upset if we dropped their favourite programmes.
In short, we have reached a compromise that will not please everyone, but which we feel strikes the right balance within our schedule. Once again, we
are sorry to disappoint the Tour’s loyal fans, but hope that the quality of the coverage still meets with your approval.
Viewer Enquiries.