UPDATE: Enter by phone or email…
CALL: 01875 615 888 with a visa/ switch card etc or email [email protected]
This is going to be the UKs biggest DH race
for years. Be there and make it a success
If you like downhilling, or even if you just like hills, this
has got to be the best £20 you’ll ever spend and the best three days downhilling
you’ll ever have!
The worlds most extreme downhill series, the Avalanche Cup is coming to the UK next
month, and UK organisers Clockwork have put together a crazy deal to let you have
access to the mountain, race entry and lift access for just £20!
This is the UK’s first EVER International DH race and being held on the UK’s NEWEST
and BIGGEST course near Fort William, at Aonach Mhor on the side of Ben Nevis, the
UK’s biggest Mountain. That’s in Scotland, for you southerners.
The field assembled is a true world class one, with spaces still free for UK riders!
Already confirmed are top World Cup stars NICHOLAS VOULLIOUZ, KARIM AMOUR, NOLVEN
LE CEAR to name a few.
What other chance do you have of riding the same course as these World Cup stars?
You… yes, you on your wannabe DH bike… you can ride the same course as Nico and
the boyz.
If you don’t fancy the DH event (though three days downhill riding sounds good to
me) there will also be an XC event on the Sat which will be open to all.
There will even be a live music festival, with bands you’ve actually heard of, not
some local pub shite. We’ve heard talk of Idlewild and Shed 7, and we’ll confirm
that when we can. All weekend there will be BMX displays from TEAMFIELD the East
Lothian Dirt Jump crew plus various fairground attractions and demos.
By chatting up some dolly in reception at the Milton Hotel in Fort William, we’ve
managed to snag a screen shot of who’s confirmed and staying…

They’re all booked in… The organisers have even got a deal with the hotel so you
could stay at the same gaff as the top boys. Even on your wages.
More info?
Entry form:>form_avalanche_entry.GIF
You want more to know more?
is the race?
happens which day and that?
to go to the official site?
Want an entry form by post? Why? You might not have a printer, I guess…Please send
an SAE to AVALANCHE ENTRIES, 7 North Elphinstone Farm, Tranent, East Lothian. EH33