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Now get out of that!

Buttery smoothness

Yes, it’s zip ties again for this week’s bodged repair. But full marks to Craig Wilson for lateral thinking in this intriguing variation on the popular cable outer splint bodge:

During a trip up in the Lake District a couple of years ago, I suffered the wrath of a big rock bouncing up and smashing the cable outer that routed the rear mech cable under the bottom bracket. So I managed to limp my way into Coniston for lunch on a limited number of gears. As you are probably aware Coniston doesn’t have a bike shop, so no chance of purchasing some cable outer. However, after viewing the remains of our lunch I spotted the wrapping from two of the small packs of butter that we’d had with our soup and roll. So it was out with the trusty zip ties and the wrappers to fashion a repair around the smashed cable outer, please note buttered side to the inside for that extra pre-lubricated touch. This worked an absolute dream with almost perfect “buttery smooth” shifting for the rest of the afternoon.

Top stuff. Keep ’em coming…

Over to you

We want to know about your MacGyver-esque trailside repairs – the ones that show a bit of lateral thinking, a dash of inspiration and the all-powerful spirit of bodge. We’re particularly interested on ones that don’t involve sticks… We’ll share the best ones with the world, in the hope that they might come in handy for someone else one day.

Send a description and a picture (that’s important – we want stuff that you’ve actually done and has worked) to us at the usual address


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