This week’s reader-contributed bodge repair clearly represents some sort of karmic balancing for last week’s. Our previous offering featured no zip ties at all, with the inevitable consequence that this one uses nothing but the nylon wonders.
This is the hind quarters of Martin Massey’s Santa Cruz Blur. He was out on a night ride (in the winter – if you look very carefully you might just spot the odd bit of mud). Anyway, to cut a short story even shorter, the nut on Martin’s rear QR came undone, shedding most of its threads as it did so. Martin’s a design engineer, so we assume that his description of said threads as “knaggered” is a proper technical term.
We doubt that Martin’s day job involves much in the way of mission-critical zip tie solutions, but he played a blinder here – two ties around the frame, mech hanger and sticky-out bit of QR shaft kept things together for the two hours home. Result!
Over to you
We want to know about your MacGyver-esque trailside repairs – the ones that show a bit of lateral thinking, a dash of inspiration and the all-powerful spirit of bodge. We’ll share the best ones with the world, in the hope that they might come in handy for someone else one day.
Send a description and a picture (that’s important – we want stuff that you’ve actually done and has worked) to us at the usual address…