If you want to hear the political stance on cycling from the horses mouth, you should throw your tuxedo in your canvas saddlebag and pedal down to Kent for the annual CTC National Dinner and prize giving in May.
Former Transport Minister, erstwhile candidate for Mayor of London and chair of the National Cycling Strategy (NCS) Board, Steven Norris is to be guest speaker at CTC’s
Dinner do in Orpington next month.
The Dinner takes place on Saturday May 11 at the Crofton Halls, York
Rise, Orpington and follows CTC’s AGM, at the same venue earlier in the
day. Both non-members and CTC members are welcome at the Dinner.
Prizes will be awarded to the 2001 winners of three CTC competitions;
the National 25-mile Time Trial Championship, the Best All Rounder and
the District Association Tourist Competition (DATC).
Tickets for the Dinner cost £19.50 for a three course meal.
Accommodation will be available at The Mary Rose Hotel in St Mary’s
Cray. Anyone booking hotel rooms through CTC will be eligible for a ten
per cent discount. West Kent DA will lead a ride on the Sunday morning
which will be open to all.
For tickets call Della McGavin at CTC on 01483 520737 or email
. To find out more about CTC visit www.ctc.org.uk.