Custom bikes don’t make good getaway vehicles according to a cracking story from Bicycle Retailer.
Thomas Justice (yes really) is accused of raiding over 15 banks across California and Illinois over the past few years. However, the proceeds of his ill-gotten gains came back to haunt him when Police recovered his getaway bike.
Police were smart enough to realise the rarity of the custom Steelman (yes, really part 2) and get in touch with the builders. They then posted a “Wanted” poster including a picture of the bike and a bank security image of Mr Justice on their website. The bike was then recognised by a bike shop mechanic in Chicago who contacted the Police.
They tracked Justice down to the Chicago suburb of Libertyville (yes really part 3) where he was living with his parents next door to the local police chief (yes, really part 4).
Still at least if the bike is steel it’ll still ride as good as it ever did when he gets out of the slammer.