Don't just sit there - Bike to work! - Bike Magic

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Don’t just sit there – Bike to work!

Bike2Work day on Wednesday 20th June is being organised as part of the Festival of Cycling which runs from 16th to 24th June. And frankly it’s a damn good idea.
However you normally get to work: bus, train, car, tram, tube… save yourself some cash and get on your bike. While you are at it get your friends, family, workmates on their bikes too!

They’ll probably need encouragement, to get them out there so explain that biking is, usually, cheaper, it certainly can get you fit. All that still applies even if you only bike in once a week. Once you’ve tried a two wheel commute you’ll be suprised how easy and enjoyable it is and how good it is to get home with all the work stresses pedalled out and no need to drag yourself out for extra training.

Top tips:
To make it as easy and fun, here are our top commuting to work tips:
*Get everything ready the night before
*Ride in gently and ride home hard
*Get as many people to ride as possible, you’ll have much more of a laugh
*If work hasn’t got a shower use baby wipes
*Have a snack before you set off and within half an hour of getting home
*Choose a quiet route to ride even if it’s slightly longer
*If you’re worried about getting filthy with a mechanical, take surgical gloves in your toolkit

*If any of the ride is off road, check the insides of your ears aren’t splattered with mud before you go into that big board meeting
*Arrange somewhere safe to lock your bike before the ‘big day’. Janitors store rooms, or maintenance areas in the basement are always handy, but even if it’s inside still lock it – you can always tell whoever it concerns where you and the key will be if they need to move it
*Allow more time than you think you need, so you’ve time to get ready for work once you arrive, rather than panicking

So get your riding mates and your work mates together, and open peoples’ eyes to the bike to work alternative!


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