As you’ve no doubt noticed, British XC racer Liam Killeen has just won himself a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games (to add to the bronze one he won in Manchester in 2002). As luck would have it, we spoke at some length to Liam at sponsor Specialized’s dealer launch shindig a few weeks back. Rather than spend ages transcribing it all off the tape (yes, only the highest of technologies here…) we thought that we’d tip a toe in the latest nu-meeja trends and bash it out as a podcast – the entire interview is in MP3 format for your listening pleasure.
Podcasting geeks will note that we haven’t got around to any of the RSS cleverness that lets you subscribe to these things and have them download automatically – if we ever do any more we’ll get that sorted out. For now, you can get the interview here. Oh, and sorry about the muzak…