You never know what you might see at a World Cup event. We weren’t surprised with the amount of lightweight components, foam grips, tyres with naff all tread, single rings, even bottle bolts being removed to save a gram or two. What we weren’t expecting to see was a brand new prototype full suspension bike from a company known for its hardtails.
Genesis, the brand setup by UK distributor Madison some years ago, is well known for its hardtails. Jolly nice they are too (we’re even building up a Latitude 853 at the moment) is toying with the idea of the adding a full suspension model to its range, if this proto it was displaying on its stand at the Dalby World Cup last weekend is anything to be believed.
Information is thin on the ground right now, and we’re waiting to hear back from Madison on whether it’ll ever see the light of day. Judging by how much work has clearly gone into this sample, and how impressive it looks for a first attempt, it would be a shame if all the man hours go to waste.
So watch this space as we’ll bring you more news on this bike as soon as we get it.