Recovery drinks are a well-established part of the exercise nutrition armoury – after a hard ride you need to get useful stuff back into your system quickly. The less athletic amongst us tend to favour low-tech solutions like tea and toast, but if you’re more serious about going fast without ruining yourself for the following day, something a little more scientific is a good idea.
The problem is that a lot of recovery products aren’t what you’d call spectacular taste sensations. We’ve often thought that a product that hides all those useful carbs, proteins and minerals in something that tastes nice would be a winner, and the punningly-named For Goodness Shakes aim to be that very thing.
The low-fat milkshakes contain readily-absorbable carbohydrate, plus protein and a mix of 23 vitamins and minerals. A quick office taste test on the Big Banana (or “banana”) and Great Choc Malt (or “chocolate”) flavours reveals an entirely palatable concoction – it tastes like, well, a milkshake.
Revealing a sound grasp of most mountain bikers’ post-ride refuelling strategies, the manufacturers say that For Goodness Shakes will be available in “supermarkets and petrol stations” across the country. If they’re really clever they’ll ensure higher stock levels at key outlets near to popular riding areas and 24 hour race venues. And then all we need is for Ginsters to come up with a scientifically-designed recovery pasty and we’re sorted…
Find out more at www.forgoodnessshakes.com.