This svelte-looking device is Soma’s new 4one5. It’s a disc-ready singlespeed frame, a concept that will either attract or repel you depending on your orientation. It’s a little like magnetism in that respect. On the subject of magnetism, the 4one5 is appropriately ferrous in nature, being crafted from Reynolds 631 tubing.
Purists might mutter under their breath about the V-brake bosses, but leaving them on gives you a budget braking option. If you go for a rear disc, you’ll find that the slotted caliper mounts let you accommodate the full range of possible rear hub positions. It’s available in a Hobson’s choice of colours (black), can be had in two inch increments between 15 and 21in and will cost an economical £275.
More details from www.sortedcycles.co.uk.