Mountain biking, while maybe not one of the mainstream’s most revered sports, has a cult following that’s eerily similar to the skateboarding crowd of the 1980s, with thousands of adoring fans showing up to lend support at each and every event. Although some may argue the actual talent needed to perform downhill races and stunt courses, the sport’s sister, BMX, and distant cousin, Motocross, both help quash the notion of “any Joe can do it” with each spectacular showing.
The sport of mountain biking is insanely intense, and its riders need to be strong, athletic, alert and seasoned in ways which rival participation in many other more celebrated sports. Ryan Leech is one of the sport’s finest athletes, and also one of its most avid spokespeople, releasing trial videos, making show spots, posing for photo shoots and modeling gear, and even brining his talent to Sin City to stop in at the InterBike Trade Show and Convention in Las Vegas.
Of course, Vegas is wild enough without the inclusion of a hectic rider like Leech showing up to give fans some demo runs and to do a little sport advocating. The convention took place last September, and it’s set for another run starting next September 20th with a demo show in Boulder City, and Leech’s face was a much welcomed presence at the event.
It’s a safe bet that Ryan wasn’t kept awake in his hotel room, trying to play the best roulette games online in preparation for the real thing in Las Vegas. But there’s certainly more than one way to be a gambler – especially when you’re involved in such a frenetic sport as mountain biking.
With only a small helmet to offer protection while riding, injury seems far more an inevitability than a possibility. One false move, one slipped grip and a rider can eat dirt at staggering speeds. Indeed, strength and balance are needed to maintain an upright position through the various obstacles, and riders are definitely gambling with their safety when they perform their craft. In essence, Las Vegas is the perfect place for a show like InterBike and a rider like Ryan Leech.
Gambling in a high rollers casino in Las Vegas aside, the desert is actually the perfect place for mountain bikers, and there’s absolutely no shortage of tracks and courses in and around Vegas to give riders and fans something to show up for. Various types of mountain biking can be found in the area, including cross-country, extreme downhill and single-track, with events happening in Boulder City, Lake Mead and the famous Red Rock Canyon.
Leech is one of the many professional mountain bikers to make the trek to Vegas every year for shows and other various spectacles. And while gambling may still remain king of all nighttime activities in Las Vegas, extreme sports are not very far behind thanks to the likes of Ryan and mountain biking.