In celebration of the freshly-polished BM Member Review system (and in an effort to clear the office a bit), we’re giving away stuff to people who contribute the best reviews to the system. Specifically, we’re working our way through a pile of Red Bull Mountain Mayhem DVDs covering five years of the legendary 24hour race, and a pile of Bikemagic hats covering, er, people’s heads.
But who are the “lucky” recipients? Thus far, winning winners are: Richard Barton, Richard Drew, Steve Groves, Paul Robinson, James Blair, Damian Nicholls, Nick Cummins, James D, Peter Fuller, Adam Phillpot and Dr Dolittle (possibly not his real name). Emails should be winging their way to you all now, asking for pertinent information like you addresses…
We’ve still got a quantity of prizes left, so keep posting reviews and you could win stuff too. You can save us a bit of emailing and general faffing by visiting the My Magic page and filling in your address details. Then if you should win something we can just post it to you with little (or no) further ado.